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Highly Skilled Migrant Program: improved services
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ) sometimes receives signals that the Dutch business community is not always satisfied with the services of Dutch representations abroad when issuing provisional residence permits (MVV’s) to Highly Skilled Migrants. The foreign posts are an important part of the chain, which aims to facilitate Highly Skilled Migrants as much as possible.
BZ would like to further improve services to Highly Skilled Migrants. Specific examples of cases where services are unsatisfactory will help to do so. You can report these specific cases by email to DCM-INFO-VV@minbuza.nl stating as subject ‘Issue of MVV’s to Highly Skilled Migrants’.
Please include the following information in your email: the name, date of birth and nationality of the Highly Skilled Migrant, the IND file number and at what post the MVV will be issued or has already been issued. Please also indicate the nature of the problem.
Read more on the IND-website.