Wij staan elk jaar in de top 3 van de beste advocatenkantoren op het gebied van klanttevredenheid.

Wij staan elk jaar in de top 3 van de beste advocatenkantoren op het gebied van klanttevredenheid.

Highly Skilled Migrant and salary

The condition as of 19 June 2011 that the salary of the highly skilled migrant must be market level has raised questions in the Parliament. Does it make the Netherlands less attractive? The Minister of Social Affairs thinks this is not the case. The assessment whether the salary of the highly skilled migrant is according market level will only be performed in cases where there might be fraud. Up til now, since 19 June 2011, the Immigration Service has not rejected any application based on this new rejection ground. The Minister reiterates that highly skilled migrants only have to fulfil one criteria: the salary threshold.

Source: TK 2011-2012, Aanhangsel nr. 274, 11 October 2011