Wij zijn in 2021 én 2020 het beste advocatenkantoor van Nederland op het gebied van klanttevredenheid.

Wij zijn in 2021 én 2020 het beste advocatenkantoor van Nederland op het gebied van klanttevredenheid.

Au-Pair Immigration Program adjusted

Foreigners residing in the Netherlands on a basis of a residence permit to stay as an au-pair are allowed to work for a maximum of 30 hours per week in the host family. Research conducted on this program showed that au pairs worked for a longer period. As of 1 July 2015 the  Au-Pair Immigration Program will be amended, so that au pairs are only allowed to work for 20 hours per week and only 4 hours per 12 hours in stead 8 hours. Labour Inspection and Immigration Service will intensify control. Non complaince will result in fines imposed to the host family.